5 Factors When Choosing A Wedding Theme

Why a wedding theme is important
Wedding planning can seem extremely daunting. You are suddenly faced with endless possibilites, and without a theme you will become lost in a mix of colours, materials, flowers, papers, music, all the things that make up your special day. Your wedding theme will be your 'go to', your guide to help making choices easier. Take some time and plan your theme so that you don't become overwhelmed.
Below we'll explore the top 5 factors you should consider when deciding on your theme.
1. Your personalities and interests
I bet you've been scouring Pinterest for ideas? I bet you're blown away by the possibilities. Take a step back right now and start from the beginning. Your wedding theme should represent you as a couple, your relationship together, your loves and your hobbies. When your guests arrive at your wedding they should know that it's YOUR wedding.
Your theme should reflect who you both are, not your perception of what a wedding should be. In all the choices that you make, make sure that you see yourself within them. What are your interests and hobbies? Don't be afraid to be quirky and different. Be you!

2. Does your venue inspire your theme?
Your venue is the foundation of your wedding. If you can, choose a venue that represents your personalities. Are you an outdoor loving person? - pick somewhere surrounded by nature. Do you like a bit of flamboyance - pick somewhere lavish and over the top.
Venues can be expensive, so don't worry if you can't afford that super deluxe hotel, your finishing touches can help create the effect you want.
Once you have chosen your venue, take a look at the building and the surroundings and use this as your inspiration. What colours will compliment the building, is it rustic looking or modern? Do you get a certain feel from the venue?
3. The time of year
This can go both ways. Pick your wedding theme based on the time of year you have booked your wedding. Or pick your time of year based on the wedding theme you would like.
If you are an outdoorsy person who is desperate to get married outdoors, then this will reflect the time of year that you book your wedding. But, if you can only secure your venue in the rainy months, then bring nature inside with plants and stationery to reflect this.
Alternatively if you have booked a stunning outdoor location with beautiful roses in the garden, then use this as your theme.
4. Colours
A wedding theme doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as simple as chosing your favourite colour. For example if your favourite colour is yellow, then yellow makes you think of Summer, so have your wedding in summer, have some yellow flowers, add yellow to your outfits and make your stationery yellow themed. It's as simple as that. A colour can tie a whole event together.
If you have a colour in mind, then do a search on the internet for colour palettes to find colour accents that you can tie in together.

5. Budget
It's easy to get carried away. But always bear in mind your budget and stick to it as it will aid you in selecting your venue and decorations. The largest part of your budget will go on the venue, so make sure that the venue is right for you. A theme can be acheived with small subtle details. Speak to your suppliers and explain your budget, they know what they're doing and they will have the best advise of how to achieve your theme ideas within budget.
A final note
Don't lose sight of your theme and what you want. Before you start, grab yourself a wedding planning book (doesn't have to be fancy, just a cheap notebook will do) and on the first page write down what you want.
Take this book EVERYWHERE with you. And when you visit the florist to enquire about a small bouquet of daisies and eucalyptus, and then someone else directs your towards a huge arch or roses and convinces you that it will look great at the top of the aisle - refer to your first page, you didn't want this.
During your wedding planning there will be so many people trying to advise you, usually it's to help you, offer advice and make the work load lighter for you, sometimes it will be because people have their own beliefs on how a wedding should be. Take everyone's opinions on board, say thank you, but follow your heart. All the way through your planning remind yourself that it is YOUR wedding.
Happy planning! x